Photo of Alisha Bretzman, owner of Piney Island Native Plants, LLC, taking a selfie in her production greenhouse. Notice the pollen on her nose?
Piney Island Native Plants, LLC (PINP) was founded in 2019 by Conservation Horticulturist Alisha Bretzman. After graduating from Sheridan College with an AAS in 2012, she later pursued her horticulture passion earning a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Horticulture from Montana State University Bozeman in 2017. During her undergraduate education she discovered a love for native plants, seed plant identification, seed collecting, and propagation. Alisha combined her passions, education, diverse work experience, and professional network to form Piney Island Native Plants, LLC. PINP germinated with the help of the University of Wyoming’s Technology Business Center and 2019 Start-Up Challenge, receiving both finalist and audience choice awards (read more here). Currently, PINP operates in partnership with Sheridan College to lease facilities in the SC agricultural complex. Thanks to these opportunities, PINP has created a solid foundation and is taking root!